Monday, June 18, 2018

Story of Prophet Adam (AS)

Story of Adam (AS)

1What Allah SWT said to the angels after he created Adam (AS) ?
               Prostrate to Adam(AS). Prostration was to show respect and did not mean that the angels were worshipping Adam. Prostrating in worship is done only for Allah SWT.

2. What Adam (AS) is made out of ?
              Adam(AS) is made out of clay, from the face of the earth and mixed it. He did not take from one particular place, but rather he took white, red, and black clay from different places.

3. Why Adam and Eve Descended ?
                When Allah SWT wanted to create Adam, He said to the angels, "I shall make a vicegerent on the earth." He did not say, "I shall make a vicegerent in Paradise." Adam's descent on earth, then, was not due to degradation but rather it was dignified descent. Allah SWT knew that Adam and Eve  would eat of the tree and descend to earth. He knew that Satan would rape their innocence.That experience was essential for their life on earth; it was a cornerstone of their vicegerent. It was meant to teach Adam, Eve, and their progeny that it was Satan who had caused them to be expelled from Paradise and that the road to Paradise can only be reached by obedience to Allah SWT and enmity to Satan.

4. What are the names of Adam (AS) 1st two sons ? Which son offering/sacrifice was accepted by       Allah SWT ?
         Abel offered his best camel while Cain offered his worst grain. His sacrifice was not accepted by Allah SWT  because of his disobedience to his father and the insincerity in his offering.

5. How many years Adam(AS) in earth ?
950-1000 years (Exact years not known)

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